Supporting Housing Associations & Trades with labour support since 2020.


Frequently asked questions, M8.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why sign-up as a business?

WORKSM8 is a platform that brings in new business and helps businesses manage their labour requirements by connecting businesses with other businesses and self employed workers in the construction industry. Accountability is key with WORKSM8 and all businesses and self employed workers are rated based on the other businesses experience of them.

One of the main benefits of WORKSM8 is that it helps out when you’re too busy … and too quiet – You can source subcontractors or self employed workers to help during short term labour pinch points and on the flip side, if you’re quiet you can pick up new work by subcontracting to other companies or receiving work through our domestic enquiries.

So here’s the 3 ways that WORKSM8 helps businesses:

1. Helps businesses in the same sector assist each other to deliver contracts by sub contracting out workers –  e.g  Electrical to electrical

Example: An electrical business may need an electrician for 4 weeks for an upcoming project, I would then post a message on WORKSM8 with the criteria (job location, duration and an outline of what type of work is required) that would notify other electrical contractors and self employed workers and I would connect with one or the other to assist me.

2. Helps businesses in different sectors assist each other to deliver contracts – e.g Builder to plumber

Example: If a builder is let down by a plumber, the builder will post a message on WORKSM8 targeting plumbers bringing new business to the plumber and solving the headache for the builder

3. Brings in new work from domestic, industrial and commercial sources – e.g letting agent to plumber/electrician/ plasterer

Example: We have companies like CR Smith, Priority Scotland (insurance claims), letting agents etc actively using WORKSM8 to source contractors and bring new business to our members. We are also speaking to the Council and Housing Associations to try get them using the site.

How does it work?

Simply sign-up to WORKSM8 and then you’ll be able to post works requests. You’ll be able to discover other works requests and provide quotes to the contractor.

Is there a minimum contract

There is a 30 day notice to terminate your agreement.

How many work posts can I make a month?

Currently, it’s unlimited. 

Are the discounts worth it?

We have exclusive deals setup with wholesalers and suppliers that can reduce your project spend by up to £1000s.

Have a different question?

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